This Yoghurt 波籮土司 is simply a white loaf bread made from yoghurt with a buttery pastry crust on top. When fresh out from the oven, the golden crust smelled wonderful and the finished product looked beautiful, not too far off from the photo in 孟老師的100道麵包's bread recipe book. :D
But when I tried slicing the loaf, the crust break off into pieces. Well, seems like 波籮crust is more suitable for individual buns instead of bread loafs. Or is it due to my slicing skills? Anyway, I can still eat the bread with the pieces of crust. Don't have to discard the crust. :)
I'm kinda lazy to post the recipe since you can also find it here. I'm recommending it because this a good soft bread recipe especially if you happen to have only yoghurt at home. You can use the 波籮crust recipe if you are making individual 波羅包.
Hi..reading your blog.
It's very nice/useful and many recipe tips. thanks for sharing..
i think it looks great here!!
Wow, all of this food looks stunning!
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