I am guilty of purchasing cookbooks that caught my attention at first sight with lots of interesting recipes, only to end up being left forgotten on the shelves. Yet the urge to keep on buying new books never ends.... doesn't this sound familiar? :) Having tried a few recipes with ease and success in Global Baker - by Dean Brettschneider, I'm gonna attempt more of the other interesting recipes in his book. This'll definitely not be left on the shelf. ;)
This swirl rye bread is healthy, pretty and soft. Taste wise, I can't comment because I realised I had put in the wrong spices only when I was uploading the photos on Flickr. The recipe called for caraway seeds but i added cardamon! lolx.... Till now, I have no idea how caraway seeds taste or smell like but because of the strong smell of cardamon, i reduced by half of its original amount. I usually put it off when I saw these kind of spices being used in a recipe but I thought I would give it a try for the first time, only to make such a silly joke. Nobody knows anyway cos' it'd gone into their stomach and they were quite accepting to the taste. :) I was about to type out the recipe when I saw there is this link to his recipe in his website. Yay, so I don't have to type it out. :P By the way, I halved the recipe, i.e. reduce all the ingredients by half and it works well.
I don't often take pictures of my baking process... this time I did. :) Hope you enjoy the pictures! ;)
Before proofing....
After proofing... one hour later...
Flatten into two rectangular pieces...
Placing one on top of the other....
Roll it up like a swissroll...
Final proofing before send to the oven...

This bread is soft and has a nice crust. Great as a toast or sandwich, like what I did. ;)