Went blog hopping for coffee cake recipe, but there ain't many coffee cake recipes. For your information, I learnt that coffee cakes in fact doesn't have to contain coffee, they are usually rich cakes with nuts or fruits. They are known as coffee cakes cos' they are usually served with coffee during breakfast or tea time. So I'm not refering to those, I'm looking for cakes with coffee flavour :) In the end, I just settled with a simple coffee layered cake sandwiched and topped with coffee cream. I used a coffee chiffon recipe from Florence's blog.
I was quite worried my chiffon cake won't turn out well, but luckily it did. ;) The cake layers were filled with whipped non-dairy cream flavoured with instant coffee and toasted walnuts. For the decoration, I intended to sift cocoa powder to create a teddy bear picture with the word "Happy Birthday" from a cake stencil but it just turned out too messy. So I had to abort the plan and sift the cocoa powder on the entire cake and piped some simple flowers. I think I really need to work on my piping skills. heheh...
Hi aimei,
I just realised i tried baking a similar cake as you. But mine didn't turn out as nice and fluffy as yours.
I was using a recipe from a baking book. I guess i'll give florence's recipe a try since you've had much success with it =)
Oh ya, btw, florence didn't state wat size is the cake tin. Also, must we invert it for cooling? The one i tried baking rose so high it rose over the tin and when i invert to cool, it kinda got squashed =X
What is it supposed to be like?
Hi Youfei!
Yeah we did the same cake! I actually reduced the recipe by half, and used a 5-inch round pan, with extras so I baked in muffin cups. Mne didn't rose alot so I can invert it. Actually mine kinda dropped on one side while the other side didn't. How funny!
I realised chiffon cakes are really hard to get it right unless you are very experienced with it. In fact, one of my muffin cups deflated while the other was perfect. Prob bcos I had opened the oven halfway. Haha...
I think by right when you overturn, it should not drop just like chiffon cakes but if it rose too high, maybe it's hard to overturn. Sorry I also don't know how to tackle this problem. :P But Florence's recipe is good, in terms of the proportion of wet and dry ingredients. Unlike some recipes where it was too thick and I need to add extra liquid to the batter. :)
oh, your bday next ah ... I guess your other baking friends will bake you some? if you don't, then have to settle for stall bought .. cos 我只有向你偷师的份。等个十年八年,我可能还可以姑且一试。嘻嘻。
I hope I am not late. Here's wishing you a very Happy Birthday and 青春永驻。
Hi Sherlyn,
Of course you are not late, my birthday falss at the end of this month, not here yet. :) Hee thanks!
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