This post almost didn't manage to make it here.
I didn't managed to bake a baked mango cheesecake the previous round so this time round I did it. I was looking forward to a piece of delicious, firm piece of good yummy baked mango cheesecake after returning home from shopping. When I unmoulded the cake from the pan, something wasn't right. The digestive base seemed wet than usual cheesecake, and when sliced, the cake seemed more like a custard rather than the usual firm baked cheesecake. I thought chilling in the fridge would work but it doesn't seemed to be. I began to doubt whether adding fresh mangoes in a cheesecake is a good choice because the mangoes lose the fresh mango taste and tasted eggy instead.
I was upset, that I still didn't manage to eat my mango cheesecake! But I have no one to blame but myself, for I tweaked the recipe. I found this
recipe at Heidi's blog - An Appetite For All Things Good. As i had the Marigold Peach and mango yoghurt, I decided to replace it for the double cream. I thought that since it was similar to another mango cheesecake recipe using mango yoghurt, it should not do much damage?
For a second, I thought that recipe wasn't that good as what Heidi claimed but later I guess it was my wrong substitution of ingredients, because double cream should have been much more creamier, and I had really made the wrong choice by replacing with yoghurt. It was only later that I realised that the other recipe using mango yoghurt had less liquid content than this, which explains why mine was rather wet. So... it goes another learning point, never substitute ingredients frivolously.
Although this cheesecake wasn't give-worthy, I still kept it in the fridge, and had a few mouthfuls. The taste was not that bad actually. A few days later (yup, it didn't go bad, no sour taste so I suppose it's fine), when I eat it again, to my surprise, it tasted so much better. The texture was more firm and creamy. But I dare not give it away, for fear of stomach upset for some. Unfinished ones were thrown away.

Contemplating whether to submit to Aspiring Bakers #6: Say Cheese! , in the end, I decided to. I believe the original recipe should not go wrong if you followed it and don't tweak so much like me. The above picture was taken the day after baked, it was firm, but a little wet. It's just another mango cheesecake recipe for you to consider, and for myself to document. :)
Updates: I just realised I'd forgotten to email Jean to participate in this month's contest. :P So eventually I didn't participate even though I mentioned I will be submitting. Sorry! :P
I totally understand. I have such a high failure rate of cheesecakes that it's not funny anymore. My success usually comes from trying out recipes on your blog!
So it's ok! U r right, a good recipe makes a world of a difference. it's worthwhile trying again coz mango cheesecake takes sooo good! ;)
This mango cheesecake looks delicious and good time to try too as mangoes are currently in season.
actually the middle looks really creamy and delicious, especially with the chunky mangoes what!
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