March 27, 2008

The Easy Way, Peace Award!

On normal weekdays when I want to bake some breads for breakfast the next day, I would use the bread maker's full function to bake a loaf. Below are two which I tried recently.

One was Happy HomeBaker's Mocha Loaf. Halfway through baking, it rised so high up to the brim that I was curious and opened the lid. I'm not sure if that had caused the bread to deflat. :( Like what Happy HomeBaker commented, the taste was a tad too bitter. It was not very welcome by family as they do not like chocolate loaf. My nephew shunned away from it cos' the dark colour was unappealing to him. LOL

Although dense, the texture was quite soft when freshly baked.

The other was the wholemeal loaf. I got the recipe from a book I borrowed from the library on Bread Machine's bread. Based on the size, I should have set the size to a 750 g but I accidently set it to 900 g and was too late when I realised it. It was not very successful either. It was rather dense, especially at the bottom embedded by the kneading blade. Nevertheless, it makes great toast. I shall not be posting the recipe until I've tried one that's good.

I would say so far for bread machine bread, the Peanut Butter Loaf is worth a try if you want to go fully automated. :)

I received this Peace Award from Daphne - More than Words quite some time ago. Thanks Daphne. :) I would like to share and pass this award to:


Happy Homebaker said...

Aimei, thanks for passing the award to me :D

Esther said...

Hey Aimei, thanks for passing the Peace Award to me too ;)

Tho your bread, according to yourself, are not quite successfully (to me it seems perfect from the pic:p) but if you don't try, u won't know the result. Thus, no venture no gain!


daphne said...

u r welcome! Judging from the photo of the bread, it looks good! I would love a slice.

Anonymous said...

Aimei, thank you for the award :)

Anonymous said...

That bread looks wonderful. I've been reluctant to get a bread machine myself, but that has me more tempted than ever! (never tried my hand at baking bread...a little afraid to! lol)

Aimei said...

HHB, Esther and Elyn, you are welcome :D

Daphne, thaks! :) I would say it's not very soft and fluffy but it's great as toast!

JJ, don't be afraid! Yoou'll have fun. :) But if you want to achieve soft fluffy bread, I'm afraid it can't; but it's a great helper in kneading of dough if you don't have a powerful mixer after that you can shape and bake in the oven.