A Day of Bird Watching
Does the title makes you think of sitting on a patch of grassy field, holding a binoculars and watching a flock of birds flying across the sky? Haa... that's just what comes into my mind when I wrote this title. Nah, we didn't held any binoculars to watch birds in action, my dd and I were just watching birds at Jurong Birdpark, a tourist attraction which boosts a huge collection of over 600 species of bird collections over the world. It was first opened to public 1971. To know more about Jurong Birdpark, please click here. Despite being one of Singapore's tourist attraction, it was both our first time here. We had this opportunity as my company offers this corporate card which we could rent over the weekend to enter the birdpark for free. If not for this corporate card, guess at this age, we would never have thought of going! Well, this is something different for us at least since we are always trying to find more interesting and varied activities to do. :)
dd said he like this photo cos I looked chubby! :( This doesn't make me happy, but still I quite like this photo as well. So, ok who cares. :P
I made 2 sets of bento. I don't think this looks very colourful as I do not have enough "accessories" to dress up the bento. Nevertheless most importantly it filled up his hungry stomach. :) It consisted of tuna mayo and egg mayo sandwiches, chicken karaage, chicken sausages with cucumber, baked sweet potatoes and crabmeat. Not in the picture were strawberries, cherry tomatoes and mooncakes. Yes I brought mooncakes cos' it happened to be Mid-Autumn Festival that day. But the weather was too hot. Before we could eat the mooncakes as our snacks, the poor mini champagne truffles and white ganache mooncakes were already melting away. +copy.jpg)
There were many species of birds and it's really an eye-opener for us.
We paid S$2 to feed these little lories with nectar. Just hold the cup in your hand and these little things would fly to your hand to feed on the nectar! Only on that day did I realise I'm actually terrified of birds! :P I was screaming when these birds flew onto my hand. I couldn't help myself not to be so fearful of flying creatures near me. So embarrased when children younger than me ain't afraid. :P
My favourite would be these penguins. They were so cute, just stood there and seemed to be enjoying the air-con and relaxing themselves. I actually sympathese with them not being able to be living in their true natural habitat. Hmmm well but who knows they could be happier since they would be safe from any natural disasters or predators that comes along in their harsh environment.
Back home, we lighted up lanterns and candles, my favourite childhood activity! Who say grown ups can't play anymore? ;)
Oh my, it's been ages since I last went to Jurong Bird Park! I think twas since pri sch :P You can even feed the birds? That's so exciting :P I can't wait to revisit the park soon.
Btw, your dd and you look so cute together :)
both of you looks so charming together...
Hi Ovenhaven
Yeap you can feed the birds. Once you hold the container containing the nectar, the lories will flock over to you. :)
Thanks ovenhaven and Skinnymum! hehe :)
Hi GB! Wow! can imagine that you n WG had a good time together at the birdpark. We have this kind of outing next time ok? hee
Hehe ok. I can borrow the card to go some other places as well ;)
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