October 12, 2009

Birthday Cake - Tiramisu

I was trying hard to decide what should I blog about first cos' I've been lagging alot and there are simply too many too-blog list! For some, I'll just post the pictures in Flickr if they are repeated items unless it's something worth sharing. I've also attended a few hands-on baking workshop and am trying to sort out the photos before sharing. Heh so don't be surprise if what I'm blogging about can be dated way a few months back!

It was only when I started blogging about this Tiramsu cake I made for my girl friend, Shunmei's birthday last month in September that I realised myblog was already two years old and I've forgotten about that! Yes, my first blog post was in Sep 2007, 21. Dear2 and my new house would be ready in two years time *smile* and I'm always thinking that's still a long way to go but looking at this, time can really flies without you realising.
Back to this cake, yes it is another birthday post again! So definitely this have to come first. Shunmei have always wanted a tiramisu cake and I've promised I'd make one for her this year. The last time I made was years back and I remembered I stubbornly wanted to make the most "original" tiramisu as much as possible, and I bought an expresso coffee powder and only used it for one time; and spent several hours trying to make a zabaglione.

This time, I decided to heed Happy Homebaker's advice and gave her version of tiramisu recipe a try. Without the hassle of making a zabaglione (so called originalversion), the tiramisu tasted just as good and seriously I can't tell the difference with this recipe where there was no eggs involved; it seemed just as creamy to me. I guess most importantly you have to use mascarpone cheese, and alcohol if you have it. I managed to get a small bottle of rum from Phoon Huat and used up all. Assembling the layers is also important. I made the mistake of brushing the sponge fingers with too much coffee syrup that it was too soggy especially at the bottom layer which was pressed down by the weight of the upper layers of cheese and sponge fngers. I really like thisrecipe and would go to this again should I wnt to make a tiramisu. :)

I "borrowed" Happy Homebaker's idea and decorate the cake with a simple design of two sakuras. :)
Birthday gal......Her favourite ForeverFriends Bear....

As usual I always have leftover filling and made an extra cup with the
chocolate flourless cake as the layers instead of sponge fingers. Yummy!

For now, dear2 and I are actively trying to slim down and we go jogging at least twice a week. I am trying to bake (and eat) less sinful food. :(

Ganbatte for us! :D

1 comment:

twinkie said...

hi aimei, ur tiramisu looks delicious :)

is it softer with cake instead of sponge fingers? i find sponge fingers abit dry. i tried it 2 times with sponge fingers, maybe i shld bake a cake and try next time.