I may not sound as excited as I may have appeared on that day, but the truth is, I was really over-whelmed and elated when I first received Pei-Lin of Dodol & Mochi's email about a month ago, asking whether I would like to attend this gathering, and I replied without much hesitation. Even though I was a little worried about this meeting "strangers" (not because they will abduct me of course!) because I was usually quiet and shy when meeting people for the first time. But i told myself: Hey life's too short to worry about so many things! Do go and pursue what you wish to. Making friends of common interest is something I'd always love do, especially after taken up this love for baking. But my shy and passive nature probably could have hindered me along the way. So, I knew if I am gonna miss this gathering, I'll regret it!
Most of us soon confirmed our attendance, and our thoughtful Pei-Lin systematically drew up an excel spreadsheet, and list all the people who will be going, and the things we would be preparing, in case there would be any overlapping.
Edith of Precious Moments was so nice to open up her sweety home for us to feast in and be comfortable. We met at 12pm and imagine we stayed until 6pm! Initially I thought it will gonna be a short one but all of us had so much to chat that time passess so fast. I believe if we had not met up at her place, we would not be able to meet up for such a long time if we had met outside.
The blur me actually got off at the wrong station because I kept associating that station I'm supposed to get off with another station. Even though Edith had given very clear instructions on the directions to her house, I still had to ask around because I was already late. :P
Here's our eleven lovely, superb, gorgeous bloggers, ;)
Pei-Lin of Dodol & Mochi
Bee Bee of Honey Bee Sweets
Grace of Kitchen Corner
Jane of Passionate about Baking
Shirley of Kokken69
You Fei of Loving Baking
Zhou Yuan (Bakertan)of Baking Library
Edith of Precious Moments
Jess of Bakericious
Yan Ee of Sweeter Side of Life
Jo of Sugar & Everything Nice
A day before the "big day", i was busy baking these lavender cookies and almond shortbreads. When my nephew knew that I would be baking, he was as excited as I am and offered to be my little helper. Heh that excitement of his soon died down and he went off to play with other things. I thought I could get another pair of hands to help me roll the cookie but he soon found that it was "not fun" after all. ;) Knew what, he exerted too much pressure that every cookie dough was too flat. When I corrected him, he thre a tantrum. Haha... :D

These special floss rolls was a recipe from Judy Koh's cookbook. It is a swiss roll with seaweed, ham, japanese cucumber and pork floss. I thought this is an interesting dish which is both sweet and savoury.

To end the note, I enjoyed every moment of the day's meet-up. You ladies (and one guy, Zhou Yuan) are really great cooks and bakers and in terms of the amount of time and patience that you have spent in the kitchen preparing for the food, I've really got lots to learn from each and everyone of you.
Hope we'll have another gathering soon! ;)
sounds like u guys had lotsa fun!!!
Hi Aimei,
Your pork floss roll is really a good one! I wonder how you handle the soft sponge and roll everything together. It's very yummy indeed and very nice finger food for this kind of potuck party. I'm glad to see you in person finally as you've been so supportive to me. Lastly, not to forget about your cookies, my hubby and I finished it in our journey back home. Thanks a lot!
Hi Aimei,
So glad to meet you at the blogger party. Its such a conincidence we live so near each other. Even though you will moving next year, we will be in the same cluster.
Thanks for the wonderful swissrolls and shortbread cookies =] It was nice chatting with you on the way home.
Take care and all the best to your wedding preparations.
Ai Mei, nice meeting you in person at the gathering! you look as pretty and sweet, of course and young, as your photos in your blog, I can recognised you immediately u stepped in the hse :).
I am same as you, have a nature shy and passive personality but we ended up attended the gathering, all bcos of same reason hahaha...
Thanks for your gift pack and I love your special swiss roll. Initially I had a little doubt on it, swiss roll with seaweed, porkfloss? such weird combination but I still tried it cos wanna try every food prepared with love. And I love it immediately, such weird combination with such fantastic taste, yummy! Can share the recipe? :P.
Again, thanks meeting you and hope to see you soon.
Aimei, I finally got to see you! I've been following your blog since late-2008, I think. Anyway, it was back in U.S., when I was still in college. Been wanting to see who this gorgeous, slim-looking lady is! ;)
To be honest, when I opened the door that day, I saw a very cool-looking Aimei! LOL! You didn't look nervous at all. Hey, tell you what, I can be shy and reserved, too. So, there's nothing to worry about. =) Boy, I'm glad you could come join us!
Yea, I heard that you got off the wrong station. LOL! When I was there, I got lost at Holland V. LOL! That was a small place actually, dunno why that still happened to me. I guess I'm quite a 路痴. Haha!
Yay for that I finally got to try your bakes! Too bad, I was probably distracted that I'd forgotten to grab a bag of the lavender cookies back. Sorry! I know we'll meet up again in the future. I have faith that I can try your cookies and other bakes again! Btw, I LOL'd at your nephew! LOL!
In the meantime, I know as working ladies, we all super busy! While getting ready for the wedding, don't overtire yourself too! Take care, stay in touch! I shall check out this and your wedding blog when time allows.
A-mei, your lavender shortbreads are such a hit with my girls! They gobble them up and asked for more! Would you mind emailing me the recipe when you got some time? Thanks in advance! It was so great to finally meet you in person and soo happy to hear about your wedding plans. Best of luck and hope to see you again soon. Take care!
Aimei, it was so nice meeting you last Sunday and I loved your floss roll. It was so yummy, better than outside bakeries.
Hey Aimei,
Your pork floss swiss rolls taste really good! I miss it the next day after having another one. I didn't recall Judy's recipe book has this recipe. I shall check it out again. Just too many recipes to try, isn't it? Thanks for preparing this for us. :)
look delicious!! The food make me hungry hahah...phuket has many great food you can find good restaurant here.....
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